• Dec 18, 2022

If you're feeling unappreciated or rejected because of your gifts and talents, this article is for you. People who are gifted often face many challenges and obstacles, but you can take comfort in knowing that God will always work things out for your good if you are faithful. In the case of Joseph, God used circumstances that were designed to hurt him as a platform for his success. He can do the same for you. You can also take comfort in knowing that Jesus understands what you are going through seeing that He too was rejected by His own people. The Bible calls him "the man of sorrows, acquainted with grief" (Isaiah 53:3) and tells us that He was despised and rejected. Despite all this, God exalted Him to the highest place and gave Him a name above every other name. So don't give up on your dreams and ambitions—keep pressing on in spite of the challenges you face.

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3 min read
  • Dec 6, 2022

Do you ever feel like you're pulled in a million different directions? There's work, family, friends, social obligations...it can be tough to juggle it all. And often times, we can lose sight of what's truly important. Jesus invites us to have a singular eye in Matthew 6:22 so that our bodies may be full of light. In other words, He wants us to be focused on Him and His purpose for our lives. When we have this focus, everything else falls into place. It's not always easy to stay focused though. We live in a world that is constantly trying to distract us from what's truly important. But if we stick to our purpose like a stamp on an envelope, eventually we'll get where we're meant to go. If you're seeking clarity in your life, build a relationship with Christ through prayer, Bible study, and other spiritual disciplines. He will give you the wisdom and guidance you need to live a purposeful life.

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2 min read
  • Nov 29, 2022

As we continue our journey through life, it's important to remember that while earthly accomplishments may bring us short-term recognition and fame, they will ultimately be forgotten. The only thing that will last forever is our legacy in eternity, which is determined by our faithfulness to God and righteousness. This is the lesson we can learn from the "men of the name" in Genesis 6:4, who are remembered for their evil deeds rather than anything good they may have done. While it's understandable to look up to modern-day giants like Michael Jordan, Lebron James, Drake, Taylor Swift, Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk and many others as examples of success, we must remember that what really matters is not this world's recognition, but God's approval. Let us strive to be like Seth and his righteous lineage, who are remembered by God for their faithfulness to Him. As we do this, may we also be remembered for His name's sake. Amen.

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2 min read
  • Nov 27, 2022

Spiritual warfare is a reality that we see happening in the world today. When Satan attacks an entire city, nation or even the world with a deadly disease or war, his target is sometimes just one person or a select few that God has special plans for. The Bible shows us that these great evils are actually a manifestation of spiritual warfare. At the time God intended to deliver Israel from Egypt, for instance, children were killed nationally but the target was Moses -God's chosen deliverer. At the time of Jesus birth, we see Herod carrying out a similar massacre of children in Bethlehem. The goal of the spiritual warfare here was not to have Herod retain his political seat as he thought, but rather to thwart the mission of Christ for the world. Christians therefore need to know the value of hiding in the Lord and of waging spiritual warfare constantly. Just because some evil hasn't touched you yet does not mean you are not the target. As a matter of fact, you might just be the one. So, hide in God and his protective power. Don't take the evils in the world lightly.

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2 min read
  • Nov 24, 2022

There are many societies struggling with significant problems such as poverty and drug addictions. One way to help address these problems is by supporting religious organizations that promote useful virtues such as self-control. Research has shown that self-control can be cultivated and makes a big impact for the better in both individuals and the larger society. Therefore, supporting religious organizations that promote self-control is a worthwhile endeavor. People opposed to religion may argue that religious organizations are not the only ones that promote self-control. However, religious organizations are uniquely positioned to help inculcate this virtue in society due to their influence and reach. If you agree that self-control is a valuable virtue, please consider supporting religious organizations that promote it. Thank you!

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2 min read
  • Nov 23, 2022

Christians are some of the most compassionate and giving people. They are dedicated to helping those who are suffering or have been dealt an unfair hand in life. Christians have always been at the forefront of social justice issues, whether it is women's rights, slavery, or civil rights. However, in recent years there has been a rise in social justice issues that Christians must navigate carefully. Some of these issues directly challenge or even contradict scripture. This can be a difficult tightrope to walk for Christians who want to show love and compassion to all, but also uphold the truth of God's word. How can Christians stand for the truth of God's word in a world that is progressively being sensitized to relate Biblical truth with hate? When they are accused of being hateful simply for upholding Biblical values?

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2 min read